What makes Firstbeat Life Ideal for Wellness Coaching?
#Firstbeat Life
The common goal shared by health and wellness professionals is to make a positive impact on clients’ lives. Understanding clients’ physiological condition can have a great difference as it helps…
A Journey Beyond the Numbers of Wellbeing
#Firstbeat Life
With the Wellness Factors reporting, Firstbeat Life service providers gain a clear overview of their clients’ well-being, which is articulated in a language that transforms coaching into everyday actions.
Physiological Data as the Starting Point in Lifestyle Coaching: Discussion on Two Firstbeat Life Cases
#Wellness Coaching #Firstbeat Life
In this blog, I will discuss two fairly typical Firstbeat Life cases by sharing “the story behind the data”, a few highlights of the result, as well as action points…
Supporting Your Clients to Make the Most of Their Firstbeat Life Experience – Measure and Learn
#Wellness Coaching #Firstbeat Life
To wear or not to wear…? Sensible use of wearable devices is an important consideration for coaches who want to utilize data to add depth to their programs and motivate…
From Lab to Field – How Firstbeat is Used for Research
#Firstbeat Life
For more than two decades Firstbeat has been a pioneer in the use of physiological data and analytics to improve sports performance and employee well-being. We have always built our…
What Can Physiological Data Reveal About Your Clients?
#Wellness Coaching #Firstbeat Life
Accurate physiological data allows you to understand what is really going on in a client’s life and reveals the effects of their daily choices on their overall well-being. It can…
There Is No Fitness Without Wellness – How Firstbeat Life Provides Value for Personal Trainers and Gym Owners
#Exercise and Fitness #Firstbeat Life
You can train as hard as you want, day after day, but if you’re not looking at the big picture, recovering enough, and sleeping enough, your performance is not going…
Get a Comprehensive View of Your Clients Load of Life – Tips to Upscale Your Coaching
#Wellness Coaching #Firstbeat Life
Stress has a negative ring to it but in most cases, it’s not dangerous nor does it need to be eliminated from our lives. It helps us meet life’s challenges….
This Reliable and Easy Way to Test Your Clients’ Fitness Level Is a Must-have for All Fitness Coaches
#Wellness Coaching #Firstbeat Life
Whether it’s a new client or one that you have been working with for a while, it’s essential to get a real understanding of their fitness levels – particularly cardiovascular…
Firstbeat Life and Medications – What to Keep in Mind
#Firstbeat Life
With the aging of the population, more and more people have at least one chronic illness or condition, and medication is the primary form of treatment in many chronic and…
New Study Reveals that the Firstbeat Fitness Level Walk is a Valid Tool for Cardiorespiratory Fitness Evaluation in Clinical Populations
#Firstbeat Life
Cardiorespiratory fitness (measured as VO2max) is an expression of the body’s ability to deliver and utilize oxygen for energy during physical exercise. It reflects the interplay between respiratory, cardiovascular, and…
Resting Heart Rate – How to Utilize Heart Rate Information in Firstbeat Life
#Firstbeat Life
Resting heart rate is a key component in detecting stress and recovery as part of the Firstbeat Life™ service. A reliably measured resting heart rate forms a strong foundation for interpreting…