Aufgezeichnetes Webinar
The Supercompensation of Life – How to Balance Load and Recovery

Das Webinar fand am 13. Juni 2019 statt. Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Webinar auf Englisch gehalten wurde.
Finding the balance between load and recovery can be difficult as we attempt to navigate our daily routines. But finding the right combination can help us in all areas of life – from work productivity to our general health and fitness.
In this webinar, Firstbeat Exercise Physiologist, Tiina Hoffman, will discuss what supercompensation of life means and how lifestyle choices can impact health and performance. Using concrete examples provided by the Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment Tiina will cover topics including; stress, exercise, fitness, daytime and overnight recovery. This webinar is perfect for anyone interested in resilience, stress management, and holistic well-being.
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