Firstbeat Life Corporate Solutions

Firstbeat Life Company Reporting

Make data-driven decisions that support your strategic well-being management.

A Company-level Understanding of Your Employees’ Well-being

Firstbeat Life includes a detailed reporting platform that allows you to easily promote company-wide health and wellness, identify potential risks, and achieve a happier and more resilient workforce.

Data privacy is a high priority for us and only anonymous group data is shared with the employer. Read more about our privacy policy.

Firstbeat Life Corporate Feature - Company Overview

See the Impact of Wellness Decisions and Investment

A concise summary of your company’s physical and mental well-being. Make sure you’re on the right path and see how you compare to other companies.

Firstbeat Life Corporate Feature - Company Score

The KPI for your employees’ overall well-being. See how well-being is distributed across your workforce and compares to Firstbeat big data.

Firstbeat Life Corporate Feature - Employee Engagement

Review important employee engagement metrics like; work satisfaction, the number of set well-being goals, and utilization of Firstbeat Life.

Firstbeat Life Corporate Feature - Company Status

Gain precise information about the level of health risk among employees and monitor the progress of their well-being.

"Every person who participates in this will definitely bring positive changes in the business.”

Charles Louw, BMW’s Health Services Manager.
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Key Results

Identify Pain Points and Reduce Health Risks

Get a closer look at key well-being parameters and a company-level understanding of stress & recovery balance, sleep, physical activity, and perceived well-being.

Firstbeat Life Corporate Feature - Company key results

Group Results

View Team-level Stats and Focus on the Right Things

Compare well-being within the company across departments and dive deeper into problem areas and long-term changes on a team level.

Firstbeat Life Corporate Feature - Group results