Firstbeat Life in Employee Wellness Programs

Promote health and well-being at work, identify potential health risks, and help employees to perform at their best.
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Enhanced Employee Wellness Programs with Physiological Data

Identify risks – and what’s causing them – with the help of scientifically accurate physiological data.

Help employees balance their stress and recovery both at work and during leisure time to improve resilience and performance.

Create truly personalized employee wellness programs to address the individual needs.

Track the overall well-being of employees and monitor their progress.

Firstbeat Life

Are you ready to benefit from physiological data in your services and coaching?

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Examples Of How Physiological Data Is Used in Corporate Coaching

Wellness check when starting a new employee wellness program

  • A comprehensive wellness check at the start of a project helps you plan a customized employee wellness program and coaching.
  • Discover individual stress and recovery triggers to boost well-being and performance. Are stress and recovery in balance or is the overall load too heavy?
  • Learn what activities and habits support better sleep – to improve your clients’ energy and resilience.
  • See if the employee’s days include enough physical activity to promote good health & work performance.

When the organization is undergoing change 

  • If the organization is undergoing significant changes, help ensure that the changes are leading to desired results.
  • See how people are reacting to change – are they improving their stress-recovery balance, or is the change causing even more stress?
  • Regular check-ups give you the confidence to adjust the wellness program as needed.

When an employee´s work or life situation changes

  • If an employee’s life situation has changed, or if facing a lot of pressure at work (or recovering from burnout), it is important to monitor stress and recovery to ensure sufficient resources.
  • How has the changed life/work situation affected the employee’s recovery status or sleep quality?
  • Is the employee’s workload and overall load of life appropriate / balanced? Should the workload be temporarily reduced?

When testing new things to improve well-being & work performance

Discover and experiment with new ways to improve recovery and boost resilience.

  • Test how different methods or work habits affect the client’s stress-recovery balance, body resources, or energy.
  • What concrete activities promote recovery, for example regular break habits, relaxation exercises, or better structuring of the workday?
  • Physiological data shows how the body reacts to life, helping employees understand the effect of lifestyle choices on recovery and energy at work – and make changes that best suit their unique situation.

Key Physiological Discoveries

Stress and Recovery Balance

Helps to verify individual stress and recovery triggers to support better performance at work.

Restorative Effect of Sleep

By identifying different factors that affect sleep, you can help improve employees' health and resilience.

Body Resources

By keeping an eye on the body resources, you can regulate your client's overall load and help prevent burnout.

Health Effects of Physical Activity

See if the employees are physically active enough to get good health benefits and have more energy during work.  Fitness LevelVerify whether your clients' aerobic fitness is sufficient to support good health and performance at work.

Fitness Level

You can check your client’s aerobic fitness level and track progress with a simple 30-minute fitness level walk.

Training Effect

Training effect values help to ensure that the clients are exercising appropriately, considering their current fitness level as well as goals.

What our service providers from the field say about Firstbeat Life?


“Firstbeat Life enables people to experiment. This makes for really rich conversations.”

Erik van den Top, Founder of Transformative Insights,

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“I wanted to have something science based, something reliable, and I knew Firstbeat is really one of a kind”

Satu Ahlman, Founder of Saga Performance

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"By building people’s curiosity about their health and well-being through actual data we get much deeper engagement.”

Duncan Young, Head of Workplace Health and Well-Being, Lendlease

Discover how to create value for customers

Executive team measurements

Choose an individual team or for example an executive team, for which the measurements will be carried out. The team measures 1-3 days a month and the results are reviewed individually or in group feedback. One or more wellness lectures can be organized for the team or for the entire company.

Package content:

  • Firstbeat Life measurement licenses
  • Firstbeat Life measuring devices for a selected number of people
  • Wellness lecture and/or group feedback


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Half-year wellness program

The wellness program begins with an introductory wellness lecture on the chosen topic. Personnel are encouraged to measure 1-3 days per month during the program. The program ends with a Firstbeat’s group feedback and a lecture related to the findings made during the measurements.

Package content:

  • Firstbeat Life measurement licenses
  • Firstbeat Life measuring devices for a selected number of people
  • Two wellness lectures and a group feedback


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Measurements as part of occupational health care

Over 1400 health providers globally offer Firstbeat Life as part of their occupational health services. Manage workplace wellbeing with measured information and get even more out of health checks or workplace surveys. Map the situation of staff workload and recovery, support individuals or people in risk groups.

Package content:

  • Contact your occupational health provider and request Firstbeat Life separately or as part of a health check or as a targeted workplace survey

Ready to Start?

Sign-Up to Benefit From Physiological Data in Your Services and Coaching

Sign up today to access Firstbeat Life for partners – just fill in your email to check prices and sign up.

No upfront financial commitment is required, and payment is only made when you decide to order your first devices. By entering your email, you agree to receive marketing emails from Firstbeat.

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Want to learn more about group reporting?

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