Past Event
Firstbeat Team Attending Integrative and Personalised Medicine Congress 29 June – 1 July 2023
29 Jun - 1 Jul @ London, United Kingdom

The Firstbeat team is delighted to be attending the 2023 Integrative and Personalised Medicine Congress in London from 29 June – 1 July 2023. The congress is a single overarching event which focuses on whole-person patient-centred health, uniting the community and bringing together healthcare professionals from across the globe.
The congress is expected to welcome 2000+ healthcare professionals representing conventional, integrative, functional, lifestyle, environmental, complementary and holistic medicine at the prestigious QEII Centre in the heart of London.
Firstbeat’s Tiina Hoffman will be in attendance and hosting a workshop on heart rate variability and using physiological data in lifestyle coaching.
In this workshop, attendees will discover how to incorporate heart rate variability (HRV) as a powerful behavioural change tool in their coaching programmes. By measuring HRV in daily life settings, they can gain valuable insights into a person’s stress and recovery balance, exercise, work, and sleep habits.
Using real-life examples, Tiina will demonstrate how coaches can add a personalised approach to their health, wellness, fitness, or nutrition coaching and bring depth into client conversations.
Additionally, Tiina will share interesting population-level findings from Firstbeat’s extensive HRV database, comparing data before, during, and after the pandemic.
You can find out more about the event and sign up to attend via the official website:
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