Firstbeat Big Data: December is the most stressful  month of the year 

Dec 19 2024 in News

Big Data Findings

Firstbeat Big Data shows that stress begins to increase steadily from July onward, peaking in December with the highest levels of daily stress. At the same time, the number of people who have good recovery declines. What makes December particularly demanding is that as stress levels rise, the restorative quality of sleep declines, even if we tend to sleep longer towards the end of the year when compared to the spring and summer months.

The result is likely influenced by the increased darkness at this time of year, typical year-end pressures at work, as well as the additional activity and even stress caused by the approaching holiday season, holiday parties, etc.  As the holidays approach, it is good to remember to be kind to yourself and slowdown in time. This way, you have the energy to enjoy the holidays with your loved ones.

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