Past Event
Firstbeat Sports to the 2022 CSCCa National Conference
2 May - 4 May @ Oklahoma City, USA

Firstbeat Sports is attending this year’s National Conference of the Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coaches association (CSCCa) on May 2-4, 2022. The event will be held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
This is a big event for coaches in North America with practical sessions, keynote speakers and panel discussions covering a wide range of coaching and training topics. There will also be an exhibition hall that is open every day.
Firstbeat is a Bronze Sponsor of the 2022 conference, and our US team will be there! Come meet James Wagenschutz and Benjamin Jensen at Booth 511 in the Exhibition Hall. For the 3rd consecutive year, Firstbeat will also be hosting the Master Coaches Breakfast of the conference.
Check out the full conference itinerary!
About CSCCa: Founded in 2000, the Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coaches association (CSCCa) is an organization that represents and promotes collegiate strength and conditioning coaches. Today the organization has over 1,600 members including both collegiate coaches and professional coaches from the major North American leagues including the NFL, NBA, WNBA, NHL, and MLB.
About Firstbeat: Firstbeat Sports is a single-platform athlete-monitoring solution that provides data on training loads, intensity, fitness testing, performance readiness, stress and recovery in one place. Over 23,000 athletes representing over 1,000 teams around the world rely on Firstbeat Sports for their advanced physiological metrics.
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