Facts About Sleep: “Night is a Picture Painted with Daily Choices”
#Stress & Recovery
The basic elements of well-being can be grouped into three main categories: exercise, rest and nutrition. The technology provided by Firstbeat focuses on the exercise and rest categories to offer…
CrossFit Challenges the Athlete’s Ability to Recover
#Exercise and Fitness
Firstbeat provided real-time training load monitoring for athletes in a national CrossFit competition – the Battle of Jyväskylä – in January 2015 with the Firstbeat Sports Monitor.
Team Firstbeat at the Rokua Geopark Challenge
#Exercise and Fitness
At the beginning of July Team Firstbeat participated the biggest annual adventure competition in Finland, the Rokua Geopark XTREME 24h Challenge.
Physical Activity Is Associated with Lower Objective Stress on Workdays
#Stress & Recovery #Corporate Wellness
Objective stress and recovery levels were determined with Firstbeat Analysis Server program from HR recording data.