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“Seeing your own successes in Firstbeat Life motivates you to continue”

“It’s nice to be able to take a Firstbeat Life measurement whenever you want and for the length of time you want. Next, I’m going to measure all five days…


Firstbeat Help CrossFit Athletes Push Fitness to the Limit

CrossFit is one of the fastest-growing sports in the world. From 13 boxes (CrossFit gyms) in 2005 to over 15,000 across 120 countries today, the high-intensity functional training program is…

Hertha BSC Football Academy

Hertha BSC Football Academy: The Next Generation of Soccer Players

In this article, Markus Hödl, Sports Scientist and Athletic Trainer at Hertha BSC, talks about optimizing training for young soccer players with Firstbeat Sports. Hödl was brought into the Hertha setup…

German Ice Hockey Federation

DEB Secures Individual Training Plans with Sound Data

The German Ice Hockey Federation and Firstbeat have been in close partnership for many years. In this time, an effective routine for the use of the Firstbeat Sports system has…

Leijona Catering Oy

How Firstbeat Life Boosts Corporate Well-being for Individuals and Companies

Firstbeat Life helps boost corporate well-being for individuals and companies. To see how, we spoke to Leijona Catering employees after they had the chance to test the new service. “It…

Liberty University

Firstbeat Coach Profile: A.J.  Madero  – Liberty University Men’s Soccer

Firstbeat Sports’ simple dashboard provides a fast and effective way to gauge our players. Our performance team also uses the data to open discussions with individual players. They like to know if they are improving on their HRV scores and if they are hitting the individual numbers to maintain or improve performance.

Jade Moore

Firstbeat Athlete Profile: Jade Moore

England Women’s soccer international midfielder Jade Moore discusses her use of Firstbeat Sports to aid training, recovery, and performance.

Salford Royal Hospital

Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment as a Behavioral Nudge Tool – 1Day a Week Campaign at Salford Royal Hospital

See how Firstbeat played a part in a campaign aimed at reducing car use and increasing physical activity amongst hospital employees.

Raivis Miezans

Firstbeat Coach Profile: Raivis Miezans – Dinamo Riga Ice Hockey

Raivis Miezans, the Strength and Conditioning Coach of Dinamo Riga, discusses how he uses Firstbeat Sports with the ice hockey team.

University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo: Firstbeat Sports Analytics in Division I NCAA Basketball

The Buffalo Bulls Director of Sports Performance reveals how the reigning MAC champions use Firstbeat Sports.