Recorded Webinar – Recorded on 22 Nov 2018

Trading With The Body In Mind – The Physiology of Trading Decision Making and Performance

Hosted by Steve Ward

Trading requires good strategies

At the core of successful trading is a strategy that stacks the odds of success in the trader’s favor in the long run. But that’s just one part of what is required for success. The second part is having the ability to consistently execute the strategy to maximize market returns. This isn’t as easy as it might appear. In an environment that requires risk-taking under conditions of uncertainty, where consequences are high, where there’s a strong result focus and where time frames can be short and information incomplete, both psychological and physiological factors can negatively interfere with a trader’s decision-making process.

In this webinar, Steve will talk about his extensive work with traders, specifically about the role a trader’s physiology plays in their decision-making process. He will discuss his use of Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment for client coaching, training, and research, and the strategies he encourages to maximize trading performance.


Steve Ward

Steve Ward has spent the last 13 years working with traders, fund managers and high performers across the globe, helping them develop the performance, psychological and physiological abilities to improve their decision making, enhance performance and maximize market returns. His work draws on performance psychology, decision science, neuroscience, stress physiology, mindfulness-based strategies, elite performance principles, and high-performance coaching. Previously, Steve provided psychological coaching for elite athletes and sports teams. He is the author of ‘High Performance Trading’, ‘TraderMind’ and ‘Sports Betting To Win’.

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