Do Men and Women Stress Differently? Revelation from the Firstbeat Database
#Big Data Findings #Stress & Recovery
Subjectively speaking (based on self-reporting), women experience more stress than men, and objective, heart rate variability -based data seems to concur with this: women have more physiological stress than men. The result is perhaps surprising because women do more things “right” (or at least better than men…) when it comes to recovery. This blog discusses the differences between men and women in the area of stress, recovery and sleep – and speculates on some of the possible explanations and effects on daily well-being.
Measuring Heart Rate Variability – Key to Deeper Understanding of Well-Being
#Stress & Recovery
Translated from Satu Tuominen’s original blog in Finnish. Would you like to recover better to improve your resilience and be able to meet life’s demands and challenges in a more…
There is No Right Way to Enjoy the Summer Holidays – Discover What Works Best for You
#Stress & Recovery
An all-inclusive vacation resort recently organized the “best summer vacationer” competition here in Finland and Firstbeat Life measurements were used to determine the winner. The couple who had the best…
Why Good-Quality Sleep Should Be at The Heart of All Comprehensive Coaching Programs
#Wellness Coaching #Stress & Recovery
Restorative sleep is the basis of good health and performance – it helps the body recover from stress, physical exertion, and fatigue, whereas poor-quality or insufficient sleep predisposes us to…
December Tests Our Resilience as the ‘Most Stressful Month’ of the Year
#Stress & Recovery
Firstbeat’s extensive wellness database (mostly from Finland but including a significant percent of measurements from other countries as well) reveals that December is the most stressful month of the year….
How to Keep Your Stress Levels in Check When Hybrid Working
#Stress & Recovery
The COVID-19 pandemic forced millions of people into remote work and we have learned that it’s possible to do a lot of jobs and work tasks remotely. Hybrid working, which…
Tis the Season – for Summer Holidays! How to Recharge Your Battery for an Energizing Comeback
#Stress & Recovery
The summer holidays can give you a chance to get away from the sometimes tedious routines that you follow during the rest of the year, but it’s also easy to overbook yourself during your time off, resulting in high expectations and too many things to do. You deserve a break but will feel better afterwards if you look after your personal well-being during your vacation.
Well-Being of the Mind and the Body Go Hand in Hand – Tips for Training Your Mind to Beat Stress
#Stress & Recovery
The body and the mind are closely interconnected. If your physical health is challenged, it will quickly affect your mental well-being, or if your mind is struggling, it’s reflected in…
What Does a Good Work-Life Balance Mean to You?
#Stress & Recovery
It’s a popular topic of discussion nowadays, but what does work-life balance really mean? Work-life balance is about how we use our time, resources, and energy between these two aspects…
Less Stressful Life Starts from the Inside: Harness Your Inner Voice to Support Stress Management
#Stress & Recovery
Traditionally, stress means a situation where the demands and challenges that we are faced with are so great that our resources are stretched to the limit – or insufficient. Quite…
Towards Better Sleep: What Do Hormones, Daylight and Being Active Have to Do with It?
#Stress & Recovery
In March we celebrate healthy sleep because it is international sleep month and sleep awareness month – and today is World Sleep Day. A good time to spend a few…
Measuring Stress to Improve Wellness and Performance
#Stress & Recovery
Stress used to be a clear concept with vague implications. We’ve all felt it, and too much of it can harm our health. Still, many wonder what can be done….